Saturday, October 17, 2015

Spirit Week

Hello St. Marys,
What a year it has been. In just a few short months, I feel as though our school has grown as a community and as a family. September flew by and it’s almost Halloween! I feel as though stores push you to the next months quicker than you are ready to go because Christmas decorations are all over the malls already. I guess that is a conversation for another post. :)

Spirit week was late September/early October and what an amazing week it was. As I’ve mentioned in my past posts, each year there is a theme for the week. This year, it was “SMAmily road trip.” Each day, there was a different theme that related to the “SMAmily road trip.” Monday was Tourist Day, Tuesday was Boy Day, Wednesday was Middle School day, Thursday was Senior Staycation (grandparents day), and Friday was Family Reunion (class colors). I always have a great time dressing up with friends and seeing the people who really put there best effort forward when creating costumes. For each day, there was an activity planned at lunch. Students earned points for their class by attending the activities. The senior class officers planned a great lip sync battle for one of the activities. Each class had a group that lip-synced to songs including “No Air,” “Boyfriend,” “Nobody’s Perfect,” and “Party in the USA.” Three members of the staff judged and the sophomore class won that competition. On Friday, there was a student vs. staff dodgeball game and the students came out on top. The game was the highlight of my week because all of the students truly came together, regardless of their individual grades.

Seniors dressing up as seniors!
Lip Sync Battle
Hula Hooping Competition

Middle School Day!
Sophomore Class Officer Lip Sync Battle Dance
Boy Day at SMA!
In the end, the freshmen won spirit week with the seniors coming in second place. Even though my class didn’t win, the week was still amazing and brought the school together as one community. In fact, it brought me back to my freshman year when the freshman won spirit week! It was definitely a week I won’t forget and I am so excited for the rest of the year. Hopefully, we can keep this level of enthusiasm going!

See you next time,

Emma Rosenthal   

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