Saturday, May 9, 2015

Senior Year is Almost Here!

Hello everyone,
I'm sorry I haven't written in a while. My life has been extremely busy with AP testing. This year, I am taking tests for US History and English Language and Composition. Also, last Saturday was a chaotic mix of the SAT and Prom. What started out as an early, and somewhat stressful time ended up with a lovely dance filled with fun photobooth pictures and a group of great friends. That next Tuesday, I ran for class officer. Five people are elected from each class to lead their class in various activities. I was a junior class officer, so I planned prom. Senior class officers are in charge of the senior wall, winter formal, and the senior assembly. Class officers are also a major part everyday life at St. Mary's. We work on bulletin boards, help make decisions with the administration, and act as role models for the school and our class. Anyways, I ran this year and my theme was Awkward Family photos. I photoshopped my face onto the Awkward Families and my slogan was "Join this Awkward Family!" I am so excited to represent my class next year and we are meeting to choose the theme for the Senior wall on Monday. I will let you know what it is when we figure it out.
See you all very soon,
Emma Rosenthal