Thursday, December 19, 2013

Winter Days are Here

Hello readers,
The cold (and sometime snowy) weather has come, and continually reminds me of one of my favorite quotes by Edith Sitwell: "Winter is the time for comfort, for good food and warmth, for the touch of a friendly hand and for a talk beside the site: it is the time for home." Not only does December bring the holidays, but it brings my sixteenth birthday! December is my favorite month for so many reasons. It starts with my birthday and ends with the new year, so it is a month of happiness and celebration. And St. Mary's has definitely lived up to that expectation.

At St. Mary's we have had many different concerts and performances, featuring concert choir, dance classes/dance company, orchestra, and the Marian Singers, who have been invited back to the White House for the second year in a row! With all this excitement and happiness, we never forget to share this joy with less fortunate people. Every year, the TA's (organized groups of students connected to an individual teacher) get assigned to a specific family in need. Then, we bring gifts for the families, according to what they need. Holidays aren't only for spending time with friends and family and eating good food, but giving back and connecting to the community and people around you. 

See you all next year!
Emma Rosenthal

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Winter Wonderland

The rain has finally arrived! The cold weather is setting in along with cozy blankets, hot chocolate, and lots of homework. Luckily, this past Monday was Blues Bridge Walk movie day, so students got to relax while watching their favorite films. The movie options were Great Gatsby, Ferris Bueller’s Day Off, Pitch Perfect, The Perks of Being Wallflower, Monsters University, and Blades of Glory. The students that raised enough money or brought in a number of donations got to watch two different movies and eat free pizza, while students who did not meet the donations still enjoyed a fun day filled with zumba, study hall, and yoga. My friends and I watched Pitch Perfect and Blades of Glory. I had seen Pitch Perfect and thought it was absolutely hilarious, but I had never seen Blades of Glory. I was extremely surprised with the plot of the movie because it was nothing I expected. First off, I thought it had something to do with a war, but I was totally off. Actually, it was a movie about two opposing ice skaters having to team up, after being banned from single ice skating. It was very funny, but also extremely awkward.
Aside from movie day, one of my favorite holidays is coming up: Thanksgiving! The whole month of November is a great time to reflect and be thankful, but also to spend time with family and eat loads of good food. It also means time off from school and is a friendly reminder that my birthday is just around the corner. I can’t wait to spend this Thanksgiving with the amazing sophomore class, and of course, the rest of the SMA family.
Have a great November!
Emma Rosenthal

Saturday, November 9, 2013

Macbeth, Sock-Hop, and more!

Hello everyone!
Winter time is coming so soon! And with it comes winter sports, including alpine skiing, basketball, Nordic skiing, and swimming. Cross country took second in state this past Saturday, and with cross country officially ending, I am so excited to swim competitively for the first time!
Educationally, I have learned so much in the first quarter. I read Antigone and an independent reading book (mine was A Prayer for Owen Meany) in English, learned about the structure of atoms and tie-dyed in Chemistry, and focused on Hinduism and aboriginal people in Comparative religions. I also gave four speeches, including interview, impromptu, oral interpretation, and informative. In history, I learned about prehistory and ancient Mesopotamia. It has been quite an exciting and fast-paced quarter. I am shocked at how much I have learned and how many more topics I get to explore. In English, we just began reading Macbeth. I was nervous about Shakespeare, but so far, I have loved the language! In history, we started a project in which we choose a civilization, take lots of notes on the civilization, write an essay about an aspect of the civilization, and then create an educational board game. I have the Ancient Maya Civilization, which I am very interested in because we didn’t dive as deeply into it in middle school as I would have liked. Also, the ancient Mayans are very interesting because there is so much mystery in their history. In my speech class, we are starting out persuasive speeches, and I am still thinking about interesting topics to write about.
In other SMA news, this past Saturday was the autumn dance! This year we had an amazing sock-hop, where students brought friends and tried to dress in clothing from the 50’s. There were so many unique costumes, including bright lipstick, varsity jackets, and intense poodle skirts. They played modern music, but also some classic songs, like “Hound Dog” by Elvis. It reminded me of one of my favorite movies, “Grease.”
SMA life is just getting busier and busier every day. See you next time!
Emma Rosenthal

Friday, November 1, 2013

Goodbye October!

Hello everyone!

The first quarter is nearly finished, and it is time for hot soups, Christmas decorating, warm sweaters, fuzzy socks, hot chocolate, black Friday, and Thanksgiving. I am especially looking forward to the release of a film creation of the Book Thief. This year has been extremely busy so far and there are three more quarters to go. This past weekend, St. Mary’s students acted in “Twelve Angry Women.” It is a story of a group of jurors given a case about a boy, who may have killed his father. If they unanimously vote him guilty, he will be given the death penalty. Eleven of the jurors agree that the boy is guilty, but one votes not-guilty. The juror who voted not-guilty spends the rest of the time attempting to sway the jurors to not-guilty. The play was beautifully executed and extremely entertaining.
Another event that recently took place was the Mount Hood Conference Treble Choir Festival. SMA’s two vocal groups performed their repertoire of songs, along with other schools, such as Reynolds High School. After each choir performed, a professional vocal teacher came and worked with the choir. This was a great learning experience because not only did you get to hear multiple performances, but you could look into a lesson and see different ways to improve as a choir.
In the sports area, St. Mary’s Cross Country team took first at districts! We have been undefeated since we joined Mount Hood Conference, 11 years ago. Paige Rice took first place with a time of 18 minutes and 19 seconds. Also, Coach Mike won MHC Coach of the Year. It has been quite an amazing year for St. Mary’s Cross Country. This Saturday, Varsity will be fighting for the state title at Lane Community College!  Go Blues!
Now it is time to prepare for Halloween, so I say goodbye until November!
Emma Rosenthal

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Spirit Week!

Hello to everyone on this blog!
It has been quite an exciting and active month! October is finally creeping out of it’s nest and it is the time of pumpkins, ghosts, and chocolate. October is a time for fun and SMA has definitely embraced that, starting the month off with Spirit Week. This year, Spirit Week was composed of five different themes, each one having to do with spies. The themes were:
Day One: Sleeper Agent (Pajama Day)
Day Two: Operation Tacky Tourist
Day Three: Undercover Brothers (Boy Day)
Day Four: Mrs. Smith (Dress like a classy lady)
Day Five: Covert in Class Colors
Spirit Week is my favorite time of the year because the crazy costumes and energetic personalities come out from the back of closets. This year, the seniors won, the freshmen got second, the sophomores got third, and the juniors took last. It was great to see all of the skits and the challenges during lunch, especially the teacher’s dance off.

Aside from Spirit Week, SMA has expanded and bought the former University Station post office block in Downtown Portland. I can’t wait to see what they choose to do with it. St. Mary’s is growing and thriving, things like the new building, athletics, and clubs are possible because of our fundraising events like the Blues Bridge Walk. BBW is a student fundraiser that gives us a chance to give back to SMA. It raises money for academics, extra-curricular activities, and tuition assistance. We brought in donations and then on October 10th we walked 3 miles around the Waterfront. It was very fun and is a great way to give back to St Mary’s.

As a reminder, St. Mary’s has its Open House on Sunday, October 20th. It’s a great way to see what SMA has to offer and get a taste of what being there would be like.  Drop in anytime between 1 and 4pm!
I hope to see you all there!
Emma Rosenthal

Thursday, September 19, 2013

Hello SMA!

Wow! It has been quite a crazy summer, but I am officially getting used to my new school routine. Over the summer, I travelled to Southern Africa and France and had many cool experiences, such as visiting Victoria falls, shopping on the Champs Elysees, and being kissed by an elephant. After coming back from my summer adventures, I was surprised to find that St. Mary’s is going through many adventures itself. First off, with Ms. Barr leaving, SMA has an amazing new principal. She is very funny and truly cares a lot about St. Mary’s and its students. Aside from getting a new principal, St. Mary’s welcomed new teachers and staff members, ranging from English teachers to registrars. One of the most exciting adventures that SMA is embarking on is the iPad. All we can hope is that our wifi is still alive by next year, thanks to the millions of song downloads or collections of One Direction wallpaper.  
Pre meet cheer!
In my St. Mary’s life, I am very excited to embark on adventures of my own. This year, I started running Cross Country. I can easily say that it is one of the best decisions I’ve made in my life. Cross Country is such a fun environment with fun girls and entertaining runs. Even if it’s raining (as it often is in Portland), the girls on the team always know how to cheer me on and keep me running. Aside from my team, Cross Country is a really easy way to stay active and strive for goals. It always feels great when I get a personal record and our team wins (remove at) a meet. St. Mary’s is a place where you can push yourself to your next level, in your classes, activities, or on the field, with people beside you pushing you on.
There really isn’t a dull moment in an SMA student’s life.  

Rainbow Day for Cross Country
See you next time!
Emma Rosenthal

Thursday, September 12, 2013

Back To School!

It's hard to believe that summer is OVER, but I am super excited (and nervous) for sophomore year! The welcome assembly was very fun and it was awesome how they implemented the iPads. This year is full of new things and bringing iPads into the picture is very exciting. Overall, my first few days of school have been very entertaining and challenging. This year, I hope to learn lots of things and join new clubs and activities. Even though it's hard to wake up in the morning, I'm always excited for another day at SMA!