Saturday, November 9, 2013

Macbeth, Sock-Hop, and more!

Hello everyone!
Winter time is coming so soon! And with it comes winter sports, including alpine skiing, basketball, Nordic skiing, and swimming. Cross country took second in state this past Saturday, and with cross country officially ending, I am so excited to swim competitively for the first time!
Educationally, I have learned so much in the first quarter. I read Antigone and an independent reading book (mine was A Prayer for Owen Meany) in English, learned about the structure of atoms and tie-dyed in Chemistry, and focused on Hinduism and aboriginal people in Comparative religions. I also gave four speeches, including interview, impromptu, oral interpretation, and informative. In history, I learned about prehistory and ancient Mesopotamia. It has been quite an exciting and fast-paced quarter. I am shocked at how much I have learned and how many more topics I get to explore. In English, we just began reading Macbeth. I was nervous about Shakespeare, but so far, I have loved the language! In history, we started a project in which we choose a civilization, take lots of notes on the civilization, write an essay about an aspect of the civilization, and then create an educational board game. I have the Ancient Maya Civilization, which I am very interested in because we didn’t dive as deeply into it in middle school as I would have liked. Also, the ancient Mayans are very interesting because there is so much mystery in their history. In my speech class, we are starting out persuasive speeches, and I am still thinking about interesting topics to write about.
In other SMA news, this past Saturday was the autumn dance! This year we had an amazing sock-hop, where students brought friends and tried to dress in clothing from the 50’s. There were so many unique costumes, including bright lipstick, varsity jackets, and intense poodle skirts. They played modern music, but also some classic songs, like “Hound Dog” by Elvis. It reminded me of one of my favorite movies, “Grease.”
SMA life is just getting busier and busier every day. See you next time!
Emma Rosenthal

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